
Follow Your Arrow USA 2014

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Hello, Thank you for taking time to read this. I am a proud Yorkie and after a busy career then I am now retired (yes I know I look so young) and often spend some time in the Summer riding my bike touring around Europe. However I have now ticked a big one off the 'bucket list' and am flying to the USA and then pedalling from Yorktown, Virginia to San Francisco, California. This will take two months (I know this because I have booked my return flight!) and will entail covering over 3,500 miles. My trip is self contained and I will camp and cook wherever possible but also shelter from some of the worst weather in hotels. I am self funding the trip. I shall be reporting this all on my blog www.follow-your-arrow-usa.blogspot.co.uk I have often seen people ask for money for charities for their travels, swims, climbs etc and I have chipped in but I have always felt that my trips were a holiday! However, I am now well out of my comfort zone about to be thousands of miles from home with Kentucky wild dogs, hostile American truck drivers and an absence of Yorkshire tea. So I thought about helping some folk who would probably love to shrug off their responsibilities for a couple of months. After talking to Sharron Smith at York Carers Centre she said if we might raise £1,000 for the carers of people who are coping with substance misuse then that would be tremendous. So every penny we raise will go toward providing a brief residential break for these people. If you help, then however much, I would be so appreciative and the Rockies will become molehills as I edge up slowly thinking that some good has come of this trek. Thank you. Tony
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