
George's Marvellous Bike Ride 2018 Take 5!

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

In 2012 my nephew George who had Cerebral Palsy died. In memory of him and to help others we started George's Marvelous Bike Ride (GMBR) as an annual(ish) charity ride. George was nine when he died and GMBR's aim is to raise money for youngsters with Cerebral Palsy and the charities/organizations/groups who do so much to enhance their lives. This will be the fifth year that the bike ride has taken place and as a result last year we had another child to make sure 5 of us rode (rather than the four who rode two years ago!) - not sure we'll be so in sync for the 6th bike ride!!!! To ensure that it is an easy day ALL of this branch of team Hutchings will be taking part - me (old), my wife Liz (forever young) Charlotte (6),Henry (4) and Florence (3 days away from being 1 on the day of the ride)! This years funds will be split between Stepping Stones - the West Wilts Specialist Centre for pre school children with special needs; and Scope - who are striving to achieve equality for disabled people and providing practical advice and emotional support. Whatever you can give will go a long way Many thanks Nathan and family
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Stepping Stones District Specialist Centre

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