I have been lucky to have my name drawn in the ballot for the Great North Run on 9th September!
Inspired by my fellow runner, Garvan McCann who is living with Huntington’s Disease, I will be using my Great North Run as a fundraiser for the Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland (HDANI).
HDANI is a fantastic local charity that provides support,information, advice and social connections to those living with the impact of Huntington’s Disease. They run regional support groups, provide telephone and face-to-face advice and support as well as opportunities for families to connect through regular events and befriending services.
The charity also works closely with medical professionals to advocate for the most effective care for their clients and lobbys government for improved and efficient services. HDANI provides training and awareness raising events and keeps members informed of the latest medical advances in the quest for effective treatments and ultimately a cure.
What is Huntington’s Disease?
It is a genetic ‘neuro-degenerative ‘ disorder that damages or kills the neurons in the brain. Every child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene mutation which causes the disease.
HD usually affects adults between the ages of 30-50. Life expectancy from onset is approximately 15-20 years.
HD causes progressive deterioration - physical, cognitively and emotionally until the individual becomes dependent on the help of others.
Although there is no known cure at present, there is hope that a current clinical trial of a drug that aims to reduce the brain’s production of the mutant protein which causes HD, will yield some success.
Please give what you can for this great charity. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
(Pictured is Garvan and me after completing a 10k trail run in Barronscourt, CoTyrone).
Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland
Belfast | Disability
Belfast | Disability
Running for Huntington’s Disease Assoc NI
Physical Challenge
Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland
Belfast | Disability
Belfast | Disability
Team Fundraisers
I have been lucky to have my name drawn in the ballot for the Great North Run on 9th September!
Inspired by my fellow runner, Garvan McCann who is living with Huntington’s Disease, I will be using my Great North Run as a fundraiser for the Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland (HDANI).
HDANI is a fantastic local charity that provides support,information, advice and social connections to those living with the impact of Huntington’s Disease. They run regional support groups, provide telephone and face-to-face advice and support as well as opportunities for families to connect through regular events and befriending services.
The charity also works closely with medical professionals to advocate for the most effective care for their clients and lobbys government for improved and efficient services. HDANI provides training and awareness raising events and keeps members informed of the latest medical advances in the quest for effective treatments and ultimately a cure.
What is Huntington’s Disease?
It is a genetic ‘neuro-degenerative ‘ disorder that damages or kills the neurons in the brain. Every child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene mutation which causes the disease.
HD usually affects adults between the ages of 30-50. Life expectancy from onset is approximately 15-20 years.
HD causes progressive deterioration - physical, cognitively and emotionally until the individual becomes dependent on the help of others.
Although there is no known cure at present, there is hope that a current clinical trial of a drug that aims to reduce the brain’s production of the mutant protein which causes HD, will yield some success.
Please give what you can for this great charity. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
(Pictured is Garvan and me after completing a 10k trail run in Barronscourt, CoTyrone).