
Gig Buddies - Creating Friends for Life

Physical Challenge

£116 of £250





Days left

Gig Buddies Cymru matches people with a learning disability with someone without a learning disability who shares the same interests, so they can go to gigs and events together. Gig Buddy partnerships get together to have fun at loads of different events and activities like wrestling matches, concerts, football matches and more. During lockdown, our buddies have been meeting up online and have built up an inventive spread of online activities to take part in.

Hi, I'm Danielle a trainee Learning Disability Nurse and proud Gig Buddy volunteer to Tony. We got matched because we both have a love for the great outdoors, fishing, walking dogs and live music. And now that the lockdown is easing we able to make exciting plans for the up and coming months I can't wait. 

Learning Disability Nursing and Gig Buddies are causes I feel strongly about. Equal and equitable access for all. So please donate as much or as little as you would like and please if you have the time come down to cheer us ALL on, it should be a fab day.  

Thank you so much, 
Danielle :) 


Learning Disability Wales

Caerdydd | Disability

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£1.99k raised from 1 page

Gig Buddies Cymru

£1.99k raised since September 2019