Yep it's that time of year again, Fc's annual fund raiser The Minithon on 18th Oct
& that can only mean only one thing. Trudging slowly over wet sand back to the
bench where my clothes were stolen from. Well not quite more like trudging
round Boggart Hole Clough again in my killer boots.
So get your hands in your pockets & give us ya money !!!!!
This years funds will be split 50/50 between Fc [we've yet to finish our ground]
& our next door neighbours St Mary Rd Primary school. The full story's here...... But in a nutshell......
"" Situated in one of the city’s most deprived communities, the school is not given
budget for improving playground facilities but wants our help to secure additional
equipment to encourage local children to enjoy healthy physical activity.""
Last year I raised nearly £400 so hence my target of £500 this year, however i've a
lot more twitter followers now than I had then, so here's hoping. The promise I made
last year still stands: If I raise over £1000 then i'll do it backwards in my big boots,
which will be a feat in itself. The previous night i'm going to a Sisters of Mercy gig
at The Ritz in town. Ooooooo my poor feet.
I was a bit a disappointed that I didn't win Best Dressed Female but I was awarded
the title of Best Hat. I'm not sure what to wear this year black Victorian mourning
dress or fur coat & no..................... gloves
Thanks in advance for your contributions & do feel free to leave a comment or two.