
Volunteers Project






Team Fundraisers

Volunteers will carry out a wide range of gardening, food growing, landscape maintenance and environmental improvements. Ongoing support and training opportunities will be provided by project staff and external training providers.

Why they need our service

SCGP is a community led project that has successfully transformed a derelict piece of land into a vibrant community garden with growing spaces and a wildflower area. This new initiative builds on our success and enables us to work in partnership with other organisations so that more local people have the opportunity to get involved in community gardening projects around our main site and at various locations in the area.

Plan and expected results

Participants will have the opportunity to get out into the fresh air, take some gentle exercise, make new friends and learn new skills that could lead to vocational training or paid employment. The environment and appearance of the local area will be enhanced and steps will be taken to make Shettleston a greener, cleaner place to live.

Shettleston Community Growing Project Logo

Shettleston Community Growing Project

GLASGOW | Health & Wellbeing

What your gift could provide


will pay a gardening support worker for one hour


will buy refreshments for a team of volunteers


will pay for lots of mulch to suppress weeds