Working with Heart of Bucks has allowed the team to see the need that is hidden within our county and the amazing work that the local groups and charities do to challenge that need. So I have decided to join in a local fundraising challenge with Wycombe Homeless Connection on their BIG SLEEPOUT 2015!!
Wycombe Homeless Connection is operating at the forefront of the need locally and 873 bed nights were provided through January - March this year alone, at their winter shelter to homeless people that had no safe place to sleep.
59% of those people are still homeless, BUT, an astounding 37% have been resettled. They support those facing eviction, to secure homes, assist them in resettlement, support them and provide advice, along with the essential winter shelter.
So when the opportunity came along, I jumped at the chance to join the team. . I would be thrilled, if you could help ne to help Wycombe Homeless Connection, in continuing their work in reaching those who really do need their help by sponsoring me!
Homelessness is sometimes hidden from a wealthy county such as Buckinghamshire, is homelessness. Whilst it is hard to put a figure on 'rough sleeping', some statistics suggest that in 2014 a shocking 2,714 people would sleep rough on any one night! A 55% rise on 2010!
However, it doesn't end there! 'Statutory Homeless' is on the increase and tens of thousands of people apply to their local authority for 'homelessness assistance'. Of course, they are not obliged to house all and in England, this category saw a 26% increase with over 112,000 households applying for assistance.
Then, there is squatting, hostels, single and the hidden homeless. This is just our way of giving something back and we are grateful for your donations. All donations and gift aid will go to Wycombe Homeless Connection.
Thank you.