I'm fundraising for Bike Safe, the charity campaigning for B4044 bike path. This is the road that connects West Oxford with Eynsham and goes past the Hill End Outdoor Centre and Farmoor Reservoir. It is a narrow windy road where cars whisk past at 50 mph and there is no pavement or cycle path. Many people could travel to work or school by bike or just walk to the shops along this road but currently it is only safe for cars. My daughter and her friends had to give up learning to sail because it was too dangerous to get to Farmoor by bike. As a GP, I'm particularly interested in the health benefits of getting people out of their cars and onto their bikes/feet.
Please help me raise some money to get this project off the ground by sponsoring me to ride 100 km round London in the middle of the night. Daft I know - but in a good cause. Thanks a lot.