Hi everyone, on the 20-21st of may I will be undertaking a Digital Detoxing in support of Focus West London.
I'm a volunteer of Focus that is happily giving up my spare time to take on this daring challenge in order to work, help and learn from kids on the spectrum.
It all started two years ago when one of my friends told me about this autistic club that needed volunteers for their Saturday sessions in order to help and support families and children with autism. I am very passionate when it comes to working with kids and learning from them, I was living with a great familly who have a really especial child with autism, he amazed me and I love him, so I took the challenge and I am very happy with what I decided, because I am learning every day and I got a passion for this children and them families.
Fund-raising is an amazing opportunity to spread autism awareness and this is why I will be disconnected for 24 hours of all Digital Divices including phone, laptops, television, etc. In aid to foundraise some money for Autistic club, children and families that need it.
Focus West London is a Saturday club for autistic children, they learn vital play, social and language skills in a fun, nurturing and child-centred environment. Every child is provided with a volunteer therapist trained in a highly effective behavioural intervention. Families have the opportunity to hear expert speakers on a range of topics relevant to their child's needs, as well as socialise and connect with other families facing similar challenges.
Autism-specific services like this are rare and badly needed
I'm really hoping to get all your support, so please, sponsor me! :)