
Hospital Advice Desks






Team Fundraisers

We have staff present at a number of the key eye clinics across the county on a weekly basis. In the absence of a member of staff there is always information available detailing how you can contact our office and access our services. Our staff can make direct referrals following a consultation to our various services including our network of recreational clubs, home visitor service or to our Rehabilitation Team.

Why they need our service

Our Hospital Advice Desks located within the eye clinics at Stratford, Warwick, Camp Hill Nuneaton and St Cross Rugby Hospitals provide a first point of contact for individuals newly diagnosed with a potentially debilitating eye condition. Our staff provide emotional support and guidance and can signpost those with a visual impairment, their family or carers to both statutory and charitable services who can support them in maintaining their independence.

Plan and expected results

Beneficiaries will: - learn about their condition, helping them to plan and manage their sight loss - be less fearful of their sight loss as they share their experience with mentors and peers - have increased access to local charitable and statutory services; - will be able to participate more fully in their local community thus improving both physical and mental well being; - through early access to rehabilitation, be less prone to falls and accidents in the home

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Warwickshire Vision Support

Warwick | Disability