
Brighton i360 iDrop

Physical Challenge

£2.22k of £1k





Days left

About Brighton i360 iDrop

I will be abseiling  from the i360 which is 162 meters above ground. I will be wearing a Lunch Positive apron and all funds will go to supporting the good work of this amazing charity that I'm privileged to be a trustee of This will take place at 8.00 am on Saturday 18th May 2019 at the i360 on Brighton Sea front. I don't like heights but willing to put my life on the line
I would like to make sure the evening super club is able to carry on in the future as this gives vital access to many service users unable to make lunch club on a Friday lunchtime due to work commitments 
This evening super club meets once ever 6-8 weeks but it would be great to get enough from my sponsorship for it to be made possible on a more regilar basis

Thank you all in antissipation of your donations , I have already paid the £99 registration fee which will not be taken from your donation money 


Lunch Positive

Brighton | Health & Wellbeing

Lunch Positive Logo

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