
£40 for 40 years in 40 days- London Marathon '18

Physical Challenge

£789 of £40





Days left

Can you spare £1? In forty days I'll be running the London Marathon and this year R.S.V.P. ( Rape and Sexual Violence Project, Birmingham) will be forty years old - that's forty years helping survivors of sexual violence with respect, empathy and sensitivity. Back in the Summer of 2014 something terrible happened to someone I love very very much and RSVP helped them. They provided counselling and support through the court case. They help survivors rebuild their self esteem and their lives. They rely on fundraising to operate ...sadly there is a waiting list of people needing support. Many of you have sponsored me very generously before so I'm not asking you to dig deep-more scrabble around in your loose change and be kind enough to give a £1 (or 2 !)to help me raise £40 in 40 days for a very worthy cause. I promise I'll work hard to have earned any donations- I could barely walk at the end of the last marathon I ran ! Thanks for reading!


RSVP (Rape and Sexual Violence Project)

Birmingham | Health & Wellbeing

RSVP (Rape and Sexual Violence Project) Logo

£390 raised from 1 page

215 miles for Survivors of Sexual Abuse

£390 raised since July 2022