
Karen's Kitchen




Team Fundraisers

Dependant on how much we raise through grants and fund raising we will make the improvements to the Clubhouse we need. our first priority will be disabled access, then the kitchen and then the bar. We will then look at fixtures and fittings.

Why they need our service

In reviewing the installation of this new kitchen equipment it has become evident that a completely new self contained area would be ideal and as an additional benefit would increase the bar / lounge area. We have incorporated this with some other improvements such as moving the bar and disabled access into a grant application which requires matched funding. So to be proactive we have decided to fund raise in anticipation. We have decided to call the project - Karen's Kitchen

Plan and expected results

We want to raise enough money to improve facilities in the Clubhouse ideally to build a new kitchen and move the bar creating more space in the Clubhouse.

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Kimberley Institute CC

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