
Kim's Serpentine Swim for West London Welcome

Physical Challenge

£1.09k of £1k





Team Fundraisers

Not sure what I have let myself in for..... but I have somehow signed up for a half mile swim around the Serpentine in Hyde Park, London at 8am on 14th September !

After deliberating for about a week, waiting for the final day to sign up to apply, and coming up with various excuses, too cold, too far, too early for a swim, bad back, not keen on crowds ,don't like getting my hair wet, look awful in a swimming costume etc etc I had a chat with myself and decided I had to push beyond my comfort zone and go for it.

Its going to have to be breast stroke as I can't do front crawl , so I'm already off to a slow start ! But luckily I absolutely love the freedom of open water swimming (cant do swimming pools) and will take a dip at any opportunity, so I'm up for this big challenge. I will be going at my own pace and enjoying the scenery as others splash past, humming to myself to keep focused. I know its achievable as I will have an end goal in sight and that is to raise much needed funding for a charity close to my heart, West London Welcome.

I have been lucky enough to have been a part of this important cause since it was first set up 6 years ago. I help run the creche with a great team and I absolutely love it. We look after children from new born babies to 4yrs giving mums a break while they attend English classes on site. Many of the children are living in a hotel room so coming to the centre means a chance to actually play with a variety of toys and run around outside in the garden, Its worth it just to see the smile on their faces. It has been so rewarding to see the children flourish and progress, learning through play and giving them a chance to interact with other children. We also offer support and advice for the mums and help rebuild hope when they are feeling low.

Childcare is just one link in the chain that this valuable charity has to offer, to find out more please visit www.westlondonwelcome.com

If you can help support it with a donation I would be really grateful.

Thank you so much x

Ps you never know, if all goes well it could be one mile next year : )       
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West London Welcome

London | Community Support & Development

Refugee and Migrant community centre in West London offering creative and practical classes, casework and social cohesion.