
Bath welcomes refugees abseil

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I'm Lesley Bowes, I'm 58 and live on a farm near Keynsham with my husband and three dogs. About a year ago when looking for a channel to help with the refugee crisis, I happened upon Bath Welcomes Refugees, a charity seeking to support families and individuals who are fleeing the war zone and who find themselves in Bath. We aim to help the refugees become integrated and thrive independently within the community. The families bring with them just a single bag for all their possessions so rely on donations of everyday objects such as pushchairs, cleaning materials and nappies. I found a role for my practical abilities in helping collect and distribute the donated items. On the 12th November a small team and I will be taking part in a 100 ft abseil of a cliff in Split Rock Quarry to raise funds to bring over and support a family from Syria. All donations go towards the refugees, the more money you donate the less likely I'll chicken out at the top, no pressure!
Bath Welcomes Refugees Logo

Bath Welcomes Refugees

Bath | Social Welfare