
London Marathon for Bath Welcomes Refugees

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Bath Welcomes Refugees is an amazing local charity, run by volunteers. Since I became involved with BWR I have had the opportunity to get to know some wonderful people who face persecution and danger in their home countries. Charities like Bath Welcomes Refugees are vital in helping those who just happened to be born amongst conflict. I have been working with BWR for almost two years and have seen first hand how important the service they provide is. 

Therefore on April the 28th I will be running the London Marathon, all of the money raised will go towards helping refugee families living in Bath. If you're interested in supporting this cause please sponsor me, even the smallest donation can go a long way in helping those who’s lives have been torn apart by war. To be honest the prospect of running 26 miles isn't particularly appealing but if it can bring money to this amazing cause then all of the early starts, leg cramps and blisters will have been worthwhile. 
Bath Welcomes Refugees Logo

Bath Welcomes Refugees

Bath | Social Welfare