
Lucky Break Road Tour




Team Fundraisers

The Lucky Break Road Tour takes place during the first week of April 2013. Adviza staff and volunteers will be traversing the Thames Valley relying on nothing more than leg power and honest endeavour! Some will be walking, some will be running and some will be cycling but all will be raising money for the Lucky Break Mentoring Programme. We are fundraising jointly through this Local Giving Page rather than using individual 'Just Giving-style' pages.

Why they need our service

Lucky Break helps vulnerable and at-risk young people into work and learning. The programme sets out to match young people with carefully selected and trained volunteer mentors from the local community. The mentor acts as a positive role-model for the young person, increasing their self-confidence, raising their aspirations and empowering them to be the best they can be.

Plan and expected results

The simple aim of the Lucky Break Programme is to help vulnerable young people into learning and work. The money we raise will enable us to offer this valuable and proven project to other areas, enabling us to reach more vulnerable young people in need of a positive role-model in their lives who can help them achieve their Lucky Break.

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What your gift could provide


Travel for a young person to attend an interview


A half day's training for 1 new volunteer mentor


Linking 3 'new' young people with a mentor