
Creative Sanctuary Group






Team Fundraisers

Maison Foo have been running the Creative Sanctuary Group since June 2021, supported by funding from Awards for All.

We now need your help to continue this vital service so that it can be offered across the year for our participants. We have seen first hand the profoundly positive impact that creativity and connection can have for displaced people. Our team, including Artistic Director Beth Sheldon, Community Artist Theresa Hempsall and Community Ambassador Nasrin Samavi have been supporting the group through crafty making, cooking up food from the participants homeland and using movement to boost confidence. All of these activities have a positive effect on wellbeing and a sense of belonging.

"My carer said this week ‘what has changed, you seem so well, something is different’ I said it is because of you, Maison Foo. You have lifted me and I feel so happy and now brave to be out in the world." Soraya (Creative sanctuary group member from Iran)

The group designed and co-hosted their first event in September 2021, welcoming Derby residents to eat, meet and dance with each other in the sun!

‘This is the first time since arriving in the UK that I feel I truly belong. Thank you for this gift, I am so happy today, I have tears.’ Ghani (Guest at Community Street Party from Syria)

You can make a huge impact by supporting us to regular sessions all year round - we are the only service in Derby offering creative wellbeing services in this way. Please make a difference today and donate. 
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Maison Foo

Derby | Arts, Culture & Heritage

What your gift could provide


Will pay for a translator to join a workshop and help participants access the session


Will ensure a participant can travel safely to our workshop and back home


Will buy the tea bags, coffee, milk and sugar for one of our Creative Sanctuary workshops