
Making a Splash




Team Fundraisers

Our Pool was built in the 1950's and has been a much loved asset here in school, however it has now come to a point in it's life when without renovation or repair at the very least it faces closure. This is a lifeline to some of our pupils and plays an important part within the local community, that's why we NEED YOUR HELP!! The pool currently has a leak and we need around £25k just to keep it open, the floor surface needs a face-lift and also the pool edge needs to be amended to fit H&S policy.

Why they need our service

Our pool is the only within the local vicinity and is used by a number of local swimming organisations around 5 times per week. The children access the pool for swimming lessons and also use it during the holidays for summer camps. Parent and toddler groups have used the pool for some time now and without it face closure or a move out of the area. Your support really will play a vital role in the lives of so many children.

Plan and expected results

The outcome of us saving our pool would mean so much, it would ensure that the children had sufficient access to fitness which is an essential part of their every day lives, it would ensure that St Vincent's can aspire to becoming a eco friendly school whilst maintaining its assets and most importantly it will provide the children that access the pool both from in school and the wider community with the opportunity of fun, socialization and laughter whilst developing their skills.

charity media
St Vincent's School for sensory impairment & Christopher Grange Care Home Logo

St Vincent's School for sensory impairment & Christopher Grange Care Home

Liverpool | Disability

What your gift could provide


is the starting point for our campaign


will pave the way to our new pool surround


will massively kick start our campaign