
Hampton Court Half Marathon for GOSA

Physical Challenge

£520 of £250





Days left

I am running the Hampton Court half marathon on Sunday 26th Feb to raise money for GOSA – Gospel Oak School Association. GOSA is a fantastic organisation who do great work raising money for the school.  As the school's finances are pushed ever further, GOSA has been helping the school by paying for much needed educational resources. All money raised goes directly to benefit school children from 4 to 11. This is the first time I have raised money for GOSA - I have been training for a long time and finally putting these efforts to raise money. I'll be aiming to beat last year's time of 1 hour and 47 mins. 
Any contributions are greatly appreciated - thank you 


Event Details

Hampton Court Half Marathon

Half Marathon

Gospel Oak School Association

London | Community Support & Development

Gospel Oak School Association Logo

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