
Marilyn's Wing Walk




Team Fundraisers

On Friday 31st May Marilyn McDonald, retired nurse and NHS Manager will be very bravely standing on top of an aircraft and flying from Henstridge Airfield to raise money for Countrymen UK. 

What makes this more amazing is that Marilyn is terminally ill and determined to make an extra effort to complete this adventure for a charity which she has supported since it started 11 years ago and was a valuable trustee.

Countrymen UK was set up by Julie Plumley and supports men who find themselves isolated because of deteriorating physical or mental health or changing social circumstances.  It is a fantastic  charity  which really makes a difference to the lives of the men and their carers. Countrymen UK is based just outside Sherborne in Holnest.

If Marilyn is unable to complete this on the day then one of her family has kindly agreed to stand in in her honour. 

If you would like to find out more about Countrymen UK ring Liz on 01963 210789 or email liz@countyrmenuk.org.

Countrymen Uk Logo

Countrymen Uk
