
Martin Davies

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I'm taking part in the Mont Blanc Marathon on June 26 to raise funds for White House Cancer Support, in Dudley, West Midlands. I'm a firefighter and used to training, but Mont Blanc's a tough call as it not only covers the usual 26 miles, it’s also a vertical challenge and the climbing and descent are incredibly punishing. I decided to raise funds for WHCS after members of my family received support from the group following diagnosis for cancer. I also worked as a volunteer driver for the charity for three years. This will be third time I've done the Mont Blanc Marathon; the first year the weather was so bad I couldn’t see a hand in front of me and last year it was so hot I failed to make the final mile within the time limit so this year I’m hoping it will be great conditions and an easier climb. I’ll have the advantage of knowing the route, but it’s a great all-round event and a wonderful weekend, and as long as I finish within the nine-hour overall cut off time and raise funds for WHCS I’ll be happy.
White House Cancer Support Logo

White House Cancer Support

Dudley | Health & Wellbeing