
Matt Runs for Sussex Night Stop

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

First of all, thanks for visiting my localgiving page.

According to the charity Shelter, at least 4750 people sleep rough on any given night. There are approximately 90,000 households living in temporary accommodation, but only 5000 new social homes were built last year.

I have therefore decided to run the Brighton Marathon for a brilliant local charity, Sussex Nightstop.

It is a fantastic charity that coordinates a group of volunteers who have a spare room in their home to provide access to a safe, non-judgemental, inclusive place to stay for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. They rely on charitable donations and the support of volunteers to maintain the service.

Unfortunately I’m not in a position where I can volunteer a room, but I would like to raise some money for this amazing charity so they can continue to support vulnerable people. Therefore I’ve decided to run the Brighton Marathon 2020 (my first full marathon) to try and raise some much need £s for this great cause. Any donations are greatly appreciated. 

Thanks, Matt. 
Sussex Nightstop Logo

Sussex Nightstop

Brighton | Housing / Homelessness

Sussex Nightstop is a youth homeless charity that offers young people aged 16-25 a safe space in the homes of our wonderful volunteers.