As all my friends probably know, I've a delightful brother, who has Down Syndrome. Although Sam has always made the most of things, the support he gets from Bath Out and About Group has meant that he has been able to do the ordinary things that we sometimes take for granted. With Becky's support he can go to the pub; play pool; go on adventure holidays and generally have fun!
When Jake and I knew the group needed people to run the half, we felt this was our chance to pay back for the support Sam has enjoyed over the years. Unfortunately Jake is injured so my Uni mate, Jed has kindly agreed to run.
Please give to this good, local cause. Our family know first hand the support that they give to people with learning disabilities.
Bath Gateway Out and About
Bath | Disability
Bath | Disability
Bath Gateway Out And About supports adults with learning disabilities in social activities, fostering community inclusion and combating loneliness.
Bath Half for Gateway Out and About Group
Physical Challenge
Bath Gateway Out and About
Bath | Disability
Bath | Disability
Bath Gateway Out And About supports adults with learning disabilities in social activities, fostering community inclusion and combating loneliness.
Team Fundraisers
As all my friends probably know, I've a delightful brother, who has Down Syndrome. Although Sam has always made the most of things, the support he gets from Bath Out and About Group has meant that he has been able to do the ordinary things that we sometimes take for granted. With Becky's support he can go to the pub; play pool; go on adventure holidays and generally have fun!
When Jake and I knew the group needed people to run the half, we felt this was our chance to pay back for the support Sam has enjoyed over the years. Unfortunately Jake is injured so my Uni mate, Jed has kindly agreed to run.
Please give to this good, local cause. Our family know first hand the support that they give to people with learning disabilities.