
Me and my Mum!

Amy Seppman and her Mum Liz Hewitt

Physical Challenge

66315 Logo

£886 of £500





Team Fundraisers

Me and my Mum (aged 74!!!) will be climbing the Welsh Three Peaks to raise money for Faith in Families.

Everyone taking part in the 40 Cube Challenge has self-funded or been donated/gifted their places, so every penny raised goes directly to Faith in Families.

Just to make it a little more difficult, we’ll also be climbing over night, starting at 12pm  on Saturday 15 June and finished at 6am on Sunday 16 June. 

My Mum is awesome. ⭐️ 

Please support us as a mother and daughter team ☺️

🌈 Faith in Families are an amazing local Swansea Bay based charity who shouldn't need to exist in the first place but what they do helps children and families living in poverty and facing the cost of living crisis. I'm so privileged to have never had  to decide whether to heat my home or feed my children. For many, this is the reality. It is beyond imagination. There are more than 24,000 children in Swansea living in poverty. 
Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Board for Social Responsibility (Faith in Families) Logo

Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Board for Social Responsibility (Faith in Families)

Swansea | Community Support & Development

Building Brighter Futures