
Get Flamingo Chicks to the UN conferance

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Flamingo Chicks provides an inclusive dance class where children with disabilities can explore and enjoy movement alongside their friends. "Flamingo Chicks has been invited to the UNITED NATIONS HEAD QUARTERS IN NEW YORK to make a speech on peace! This is an incredible opportunity for our children. Flamingo Chicks is so much more than just a ballet school. It's breaking boundaries; it's a growing movement of people wanting changes to be made in the way our society, including how our global society treats disabled children". They need to raise £15,000 in total to get 5 children and a parent or carer to New York. As my sister is a volunteer in their classes in Bristol I will be running the Swansea Half Marathon on 26th June to try help get the children to the conference!
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Flamingo Chicks

Westbury Park, Bristol | Disability