
Running Brighton Half Marathon

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

On Sunday 24th February, a few foolish people from EC Brighton (my current place of work) will be attempting to complete the Brighton Half Marathon to raise money for the incredibly important work that Survivors' Network does in and around Brighton to support people affected by sexual violence and abuse. Apart from being able to support this amazing charity, this half-marathon is also an incredibly stupid way to make up my near total lack of exercise since moving to Brighton 5 years ago. 
Hopefully if you are reading this, you will simply want to donate some pennies to support Survivors Network because it is a great organisation, but if it helps seal the deal, I really need all the motivation I can get to drag my legs around the 20-odd kilometres with only 7 weeks training behind me and a pair of dodgy calves which seem desperate to return to their previous life of leisure on the sofa. 
In any case, whatever you can donate will be gratefully received.
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Survivors' Network

Brighton | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring