We are reaching out to members of the general public including all trades, artists, businesses, social organisations, suppliers etc to kindly donate in any way they can to help the Charity safely re-use an old lift for extensive disability access and renovate a 5-story property by building a number of bespoke music and multimedia studios, workstations, performance areas and turning all dedicated public areas into secure and regulated entrances, exits, corridoors, staircases, kitchens, toilets.
Why they need our serviceThe Charity had to move out of its' beloved music and well being centre on 30th September 2019 as the building was sold to developers. Great news is, after many months of searching we have finally secured new premises! Please help us re-create our bespoke activity-based work-space and preserve our very important social learning outlet and support network by helping us to convert unused space located in Northampton's Cultural Quarter into a modern day music and arts skills and well being centre.
Plan and expected resultsWe wish to preserve the Registered Charity of 'Performing Room' by relocating its community space with long term security for the Charity and its participants and by facilitating access to promoting, maintaining, improving and advancing education, employment and well being in the arts by giving everyone the chance to access creative music making activity-based projects in the Cultural Quarter and successfully transition into the next stage of their lives no matter what age, ability or background