Nick and I are taking part in the Wilberforce Challenge on Saturday June 24th. The challenge takes place over the Wilberforce Way which is a 60 mile linear walk from Hull - where William Wilberforce was born - to York where he became an MP and where the Wilberforce Trust is based. Wilberforce was a passionate supporter of charitable causes including the education of blind and partially sighted people and today the Wilberforce Trust works to assist people with visual impairment and other disabilities. The Trust is currently fundraising for a mobile unit which can travel throughout the region bringing assistance to people with sight and hearing disabilities who would otherwise find it difficult to visit their resource centre in York.
For the purposes of this challenge the walk is divided up into six segments and we have opted to tackle the Water Way, a ten mile section between Sutton on Derwent and Pocklington. We are not quite sure who is supporting who on this challenge - sufficient to say that one of us is approaching it with some trepidation, whilst the other considers it will be a breeze! Please wish us well and if you do feel you can support this worthy cause, it will be much appreciated
Nick and Roger Cordier
We Made It! Challenge successfully completed on Saturday. The Wilberforce arrangements worked well, we were ably led by Brian and enjoyed the company of our fellow walkers.