
Nicky Rides Nightrider for B4044 Community Path

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

It may not be a heart wrencher like many sponsorship opportunities but our mission to build A CAR-FREE COMMUNITY PATH from Botley to Eynsham in Oxfordshire will certainly bring health, happiness and wellbeing to thousands. The delightful village of Eynsham is just 5 miles outside Oxford. Despite the short distance getting from one place to the other is a dangerous and scary trip unless you are in a car or a bus. While the B 4044 goes through lovely countryside, past Wytham woods and the Hill End Environmental Centre, the road is windy and dangerous if you are on foot or on a bike. A group of local activists has been working hard on developing plans, drawing up designs, securing access to the necessary land and jumping through the administrative hoops to get a CAR-FREE COMMUNITY built alongside the B4044. We are now in the final push to get the path agreed and funded. Right now, we need funding to get the many bits and pieces to get planning permission through the County Council. The path will bring great benefits to the people of Oxford by making access to the countryside healthy, family friendly and pleasant, and to give a car free commuter option into the heart of Oxford. To the West Oxfordshire residents fed up with being a commuter traffic jam, there will be the choice for a different pleasant way to get to work and a way to access Oxford for leisure and family fun. Please support us to make mobility better for everyone. THANK YOU.
Bike Safe - for the Eynsham to Botley B4044 Community Path Logo

Bike Safe - for the Eynsham to Botley B4044 Community Path

Oxford | Community Support & Development