
Nigel Richardson rides for the B4044 path

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Overnight on 4/5 June, I will be riding 60 miles through London to raise funds towards the building of a community path, for both pedestrians and bike riders, alongside the busy B4044 from Dean Court to Eynsham. This road is always busy with traffic, including double decker busses and farm vehicles, travelling to/from Oxford. It gets particularly congested during rush hour when large numbers of vehicles queue behind cyclists due to overtaking difficulties. Accordingly, it may only be a matter of time before a serious accident occurs. A path will therefore improve road safety, ease traffic congestion and be a valuable local asset. Please support me in this worthwhile cause. A link to: Nightrider London is attached if interested. Thank you in advance. http://www.nightrider.org.uk/#!london/egl79
Bike Safe - for the Eynsham to Botley B4044 Community Path Logo

Bike Safe - for the Eynsham to Botley B4044 Community Path

Oxford | Community Support & Development