
NUPAS Summer Showcase




Team Fundraisers

The Newcastle University Pole and Aerial Society presents

SUMMER SHOWCASE 2021Around the World - Where would you rather be?

Members of the Society, as well as Almuni and special Guests will perform and showcase what the sport and the society is all about!

When: 29th April 2021
Time: 7:30 PM

Location: From the Comfort of your Home
Cost: Free! But donations very much appreciated

The donations will go to the amazing charity StreetLight UK which offers specialised support for women involved in prostitution around London, Surrey, and Suxxes. They aim to support and help these women overcome the challenges that limit their choices: such as the lack of education, training and employment opportunities as well as the physical and emotional barriers before them

Tickets are available on the NUSU website
The details for the Zoom event will be given out to Ticket holders  
Streetlight UK Logo

Streetlight UK

Crawley | Social Welfare