
10k for Kris

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I did the 800 metres at school, I did the 1,500 metres at school. However I have never before completed a 10,000 metre challenge. My aim is to jog this and do it in the fastest time (hopefully win too, you know being an Elite Athlete). You could say I'm not a natural athlete. Running ain't my thing but I'm gonna be tearing up the mean streets of Manchester to help fund Kris Wardle's Homeopathic Cancer treatment. Kris is a fighter but with the extortionate costs of homeopathic remedies, which aren't yet available on the NHS, Local Riff Raffian charity have stepped in to bring on board as many friends and family as possible to do a little bit towards that fight. Please if you know me and can throw in a couple of pound to the pot it will all add up. I'm going to get fit for this and it's only about 2 months away I've done a fast walk today. 8.1km. Thank you for reading Michelle X X I've said it now, no changing my mind and I'm determined not to walk this challenge
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The Riff Raff Society

Urmston | Disability