Our team Gwen (swimmer), Fenella (cyclist) and Frances (runner) plan to achieve our best time in three years. To help us we need your support to raise £800 for Oxfordshire Cruse.
Cruse works with people over the most natural thing in the world - death and the feelings around it. We support people at a time when they feel most vulnerable - that may be within 6 months of the death of someone special or it may be 10 years after a death that is still effecting a person's life.We exist almost completely through volunteer support and need your help to aid us doing that.
Last year Cruse (Oxfordshire) had contact with over 1300 people and saw 450 people on a one to one basis, providing over 3100 sessions, to do this volunteers gave over tens of thousands of free hours of their time. Yes, people still wait to have contact; people who have been bereaved and want to talk say 'waiting is very hard when you need to talk now..' Cruse needs money to recruit train and support more volunteers. To do this, we need your money to help us do that.