
Brakes Community Foundation Pan Disability Football






Team Fundraisers

The Brakes Community Foundation's Pan Disability Football programme is an open and inclusive project for 6-25 year olds with disabilities.

We run Saturdays 10:30am-12pm at Aylesford School in Warwick all year round. All sessions are inclusive, free and all about engagement and having fun.

Our coaches are very experienced in supporting children and adults with special educational needs. We would love to see you, your young people and carers down at a session.

Please contact Emma Pheasey on Emma.Pheasey@leamingtonfc.co.uk for more details.
The Brakes Community Foundation CIO Logo

The Brakes Community Foundation CIO

Leamington Spa

What your gift could provide


contributes to 1 hour of disability sports coaching


to support a disabled volunteer


to support a disability football local match