
Peter's sponsored diet




Team Fundraisers

'Hi my name Peter Bolton, I was 66 years old on the 7th May 2023. A year ago I found myself getting breathless and having to sit down when walking our dog Monty'. Having been told by the GP I needed to go to the hospital I was diagnosed with Angina and after a CT Scan which suggested I had an artery (D2) 40% blocked and therefore needed an Angiogram. The reality after the Angiogram was that the main artery (D1) was 90% blocked. This meant if I had  pushed myself a little harder or if the artery became even more blocked the outcome was bleak. A 13mm stent was fitted in the D1 Artery and although other arteries had some blockages as long as I lost weight and kept fit then I had a future! In the following couple of months I lost two stones in weight, but after the initial success I have put on one stone. So I must do something now! I need help and encouragement to achieve this and as I have a great affinity for the charity Promise Inclusion a weight loss sponsorship would be a win win!'

'The goal is to lose 2 stones in three months sponsors can either pledge an amount when and if the goal is reached or so much per pound lost. The final date being the 5th of August'.
I will weigh myself every Friday and update this page.

5th May 18st 9lbs - Starting point
12th May 18st 5lbs - Well it was not a good week to start this weight loss!
I started last Friday. It was the coronation celebration on Saturday and my birthday on Sunday. But I managed to lose 4lbs, going from 18.9 to 18.5, it is a start, we will see what happens next Friday!
19th May 18st 1lb - Two years ago the doctor said 'I had high blood pressure, high sugar and high colesterol... I was a cardiac event waiting to happen!', one year ago I had a cardiac event. I also have a hernia which in the last couple of days has started to hurt a lot! Doctors on Monday.
But I have lost four pounds this week, and because I am on liquid only diet today after the dentist drained an abscess last evening that will get this week off to a good start!
30th May 18st - 'It has been a bit of a struggle this week. The old demons' chocolate and cheese have been nipping at my heels.
There were times this week when I slipped but the thought of the money being raised for the children and the carers put me back on the straight and narrow. The sponsors are all in their own way helping to save me as well as helping the children! Thank you!
But I still lost 1 pound, disappointing but it is better than a gain. :)'
5th June 18st - 'DISASTER! Feeling deeply ashamed that I have let the children down!
So now I am doubly determined to make a real loss this week, this is why the extra incentive of generating money for Promised Inclusion will help me to make a permanent change to my life. This incentive has been added too by some donors offering to increase their donation if I keep the weight after two months!'
12th June 17st 12lbs
19th June 17st 11lbs - "Boy this is proving harder than I thought! So I MUST have a real loss this week I really must!
I only hope that my struggle helps others who are in the same position as me struggling to lose weight.
You need no more proof of the difficulty of losing weight than having a heart condition which requires weight loss or the real possibility of death. 
All you can do is dig deep, keep your head down, grit your teeth and keep going."
26th June 17st 9lbs - 'Well seven weeks in and I have to say it's not getting any easier!
But on the plus side I have reached a milestone. The loss is now 14lbs, yes 1 STONE!
The downside is I am over halfway through the three months.
Now I need a big push! If I can do it with very weak will power YOU can do it!!!
So let's all do it together for 5 weeks lose one stone!'
3rd July 17st 9lbs - 'Disaster!!! Just what I didn't need a week with no weight loss. :(I have done this before.......
HELP!! I must do it again now, dig deep. The alternative could be death with my heart condition. I need encouragement. Even more sponsors would help the more support the more determination I will have not to let the children down!!!
So let's all do it together for 4 weeks and lose one stone!'
10th July 17st 7lbs - 'Feeling reinvigorated after a 2lb loss BUT time is running short!
But on the plus side I have passed the halfway stage. The loss is now 1 STONE and 2 lbs!
I am feeling better and clothes which formally were tight are fitting properly
Now I need a big push! If I can do it with very weak will power YOU can do it!!!
Let's all lose weight to get that beach body! :)'
17th July 17st 3lbs - 'Really happy this week!, BUT time is running out fast!
I need to be positive. It's a long way to go to reach two stones.
I started 5th May so three months is the 5th August.... GULP!! not far away.
Join me for the last two weeks, let's make a dash for the finish line.
together STRONGER!!'
24th July 17st 2lbs 'It's a loss..... but only just!
Having started three months ago (on the fifth May) only twelve days remain and seven pounds, yes half a stone to lose it's going to be close!
On the plus side before this started my blood pressure was 148/90 high but not dangerous and that with the control of 5 drugs,
today it was 130/80 which is normal albeit with five drugs!  :).
We will know in twelve days.'
2nd August - 16st 13lbs - 'Oh dear time to be 'cheeky.  I have to lose the remaining four pounds by Monday it's going to be tough!
On the plus side my blood pressure is down to normal albeit with five tablets a day, but on the down side my trousers are very loose!
I will post the final result on Monday!'
8th August - 16st 9lbs - 'Well I started at 18 stone 9.
The aim was to get to 16.9, a two stone loss.
I am not sure what to say, the time is just about up and I have got on and off the scales three times and they read 16.10 but the fourth time it said 16.9 not what you call decisive. I could just disclose ONLY the photo showing 16.9 but I want to be true to the goal so I propose this, Victoria will post again in two weeks and I will show it is clearly 16.9 or less!.
Feeling positive it is going to be SUCCESS!!!'

Promise Inclusion is a local charity to Wokingham and Bracknell that supports people with learning disabilities and their carers. Money raised from Peters challenge will go towards respite events and activities for carers of people with learning disabilities. Allowing them to have time away from their caring role, an opportunity to make friends and have fun.
This is what a carer recently said after our last trip "It made me feel less stressed and more valued".

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Promise Inclusion


What your gift could provide


covers a hardship session fee at our adult social clubs for people with learning diabilities


provides an hour of family liaison support


pays for hall hire for two sessions of our karaoke group for adults with learning disabilities