Hello i am taking part in a Firewalk on the 22nd of october and i am fundraising on behalf of my late cousin who sadly lost her battle to cervical cancer which could of been prevented if the NHS/Goverment did not set age restriction on smear testing Faye was diagnosed with cervical cancer ,after a fight and battle with doctors at the age of 24 but had symptoms much earlier ,and sadly lost her battle at the young age if 27 simply heartbreaking .We have now a charity set up in memory and to help other women , raising awareness for cervical cancer and helping women who can not have a smear test due to the age restriction set by the NHS the charity will help young women in particular who have been refused a smear due to the age limit 25 if they are having problems and symtoms of cervical cancer . This is an amazing charity and it saves lives . Please sponsor me and help spread the word and help these women it is an horrific desease and can be prevented with a smear test which they will fund to go privately if refused by gp due to the age restriction