Rob identified how hard it is for service users, who may have been accessing the benefits system, to live a normal life or get back into work. Having undertaken some market research we have identified several barriers that need to be broken down for our service users, that are not usually covered by the benefits system. For instance:
- the benefits system expects to pay benefits into a bank account, but to open one nearly every bank requires proof of identity in the form of a passport, or a provisional driving license, which itself needs a passport as an identity authentication. A passport currently costs £75.50.
- When seeking work the service-user needs a smart outfit for attending interviews.
- When seeking work the service-user needs to travel to get to the interview.
- On receiving a job offer the service-user needs to travel to work for the first week, or month, before receiving any pay.
- On receiving a job offer the service-user may need to provide their own personal protective clothing and equipment.
- Service users may need broadband services to be able to access online groups and meetings, appointments and training, or work from home in the early days of taking up a job offer.