
REwired - a 360º virtual reality dance film




Team Fundraisers

We will create an exciting 360º virtual reality dance film that translates the stories of neurodisabled people into a thought-provoking immersive experience that's freely available online. People living with invisible disabilities, like MS, want their stories to be heard. "Seeing her not being able to stand up, that's me getting up out of bed every day. I don't talk about it but that's my truth." Lisa, Artistic Director of a professional dance studio. REwired gives light to those voices.

Why they need our service

1/6 people in the UK will experience a neurological condition & a further 1/6 will care for them. Little is known about the causes of conditions like Multiple Sclerosis. The general public understands less about what it's like to live with the conditions, leaving them unprepared. Lack of understanding leads to slower diagnoses, difficulty adjusting & impeded recovery. Awareness of what to expect can save lives. REwired makes invisible disabilities visible, fostering understanding and empathy.

Plan and expected results

Created in social isolation in lockdown, we'll employ 5 professional artists for 12 days to work with 5 neurodisabled creative consultants - being guided by their words, movements and brain waves. The result: a moving and thought provoking 360º virtual reality dance film which you can watch on a screen or VR headset from the comfort of your own home. Our arts and health partners will share the film, alongside live-steamed talks and workshops, with 1000 people, incl 200 neurodisabled people.

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CoDa Dance Company Logo

CoDa Dance Company

Grays | Arts, Culture & Heritage