
Richard Cottam 100 mile ride - Sunshine and Smiles

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

A friend of mine has a son, Alby, who is 2 years old and has Down syndrome. He is a wonderful boy but faces some of the challenges that the condition presents. In 2011 a small group called Sunshine and Smiles was set up by a group of parents to provide support for children and young people with Down syndrome and their families, as no such group existed in the Leeds area. Since that time they have developed and grown, becoming a registered charity along the way, to offer many essential therapy services and support groups as well as plenty of fun, including a football team! These services are not offered anywhere else in the city and without them the potential of children with Down syndrome in Leeds would not be realised. Sunshine and Smiles rely entirely on donations and charity funds. To support them I am foolishly attempting to cycle 100 miles as part of the Prudential Ride London event on 2nd August. I've been cycling for around 18 months and this would be my longest ride. Training to date has been moderate so this will be interesting ! If you are able to support it would be hugely appreciated.
Sunshine & Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network Logo

Sunshine & Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network

LEEDS | Social Welfare