
River Eden Swim

Physical Challenge

£17.4k of £10k





Days left

Hello! If you have got this far onto our page and are reading this we are already very happy people! As you may be aware, we are both planning on swimming the 90 mile River Eden in Cumbria at the end of August and start of September (28th August - 6th September). We are hoping to swim the river in 9 days swimming 10 miles a day! 

Tragically in November Kat's dad died during the night due to a heart attack. This came as a horrendous shock to the Mackaness family and it has been an extremely difficult few months. We both discussed doing this swim a few years ago after Tim Doyne mentioned that these three "Wild swimming brothers" swam the River Eden and with our love of swimming that we might be inspired to do it. Our busy lives got in the way and we sadly never ended up doing it. We spoke to Jamie about it too who was very encouraging and enthusiastic about the idea. For all those who knew Jamie you would know that that he was very passionate about his sport and always such an energetic and proactive person.This swim is in memory of the incredible and inspirational man that he was and all of the money raised will be given to the charity Seeds4Sucess which Jamie was involved in. It aims to help disadvantaged children gain more opportunities and live improved lives to what they may be living without the charities help. Within the charity there is a separate pot of money in Jamies name and all the money will be used to set up a mentoring system which will make a massive difference to the children lives. 

This swim is very special to both of us and we would love any support we could get in terms of joining in with the swim and sponsorships. If you are free from August 28th - 6th September we would love you to come up and support us and even join in with a leg (if you feel up to it). You could get a car full of people and all join us in the day and celebrate your triumph at night in the pub! Please don't be shy, absolutely ANY amount of donations would be so appreciated! 



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