So here's the thing. At the beginning of this year I decided enough was enough - time to get off my fat bottom and do some exercise. The amazing thing is that once I started running, I really enjoyed it, and with encouragement I decided to enter the Leeds 10k on 20th July 2014.
My intention was to get fit, not to fund raise, but now it seems a bit dumb not to, especially as I have such a close connection to my chosen charity, Project Hope Leeds.
Project Hope exists to love and bring hope into people’s lives. The charity comes alongside people and families in Leeds, helping them to hope for a better future. We bring people together and create an environment which helps them grow in life skills such as parenting, money management, cooking, growing in confidence, job hunting and volunteering.
My wife and I are both directly involved with the work of Project Hope, and have seen people impacted for good through the great work it does. Your support would be really appreciated, and will make a definite difference to another person's life.