
Rock Minibus Project




Team Fundraisers

We would like to purchase a mini bus with wheelchair access to allow us to take our service users around the town and surrounding areas on regular activities and day trips out which would all be for charitable purposes. Owning our own mini bus would mean being able to transport them to places they may never have had a chance to see or go to in the past, enabling them to get involved in activities they would generally miss out on.

Why they need our service

Many of the service users that attend the Rock do not travel very far from their homes; some may not regularly go out other than to the Rock. Most are reliant on friends and family to get to places, with obvious limitations. Some are able to use public transport but many of them do not possess the skills, knowledge or confidence to do so. This means where they go, what they do and experience in their life can be very limited.

Plan and expected results

Our learning disabled clients will experience, improved health and welbeing through accessing the outdoors and new activities. They will have access to projects and services which will help them to become more independent or employable. They will also be able to go on field trips which will enhance their current learning. These outcomes will have a great overall impact on our clients, improving their quality of life.

Rock Foundation UK Ltd Logo

Rock Foundation UK Ltd

Grimsby | Other

What your gift could provide


A valuable contribution.


Bringing us closer to our target.


200 people would be able to pay for the bus.