I will be swapping my warm bed for a sleeping bag and sleeping outside on the night of 10th November 2016 ion support of St Petroc's Society. Cornwall has an alarmingly high number of homeless people and this is a wonderful organisation who do amazing work to help those in our society who are most vulnerable. Any of us could find ourselves in need of assistance and I would ask you to give whatever you feel able to so that we raise a worthwhile sum to support ongoing works.
St Petroc’s Society
St Petroc's exists to provide a diverse range of services for the single homeless, who, more often than not, fall outside the responsibility of statutory authorities. The Society provides accommodation, support, advice, training and resettlement services to single homeless people in Cornwall. Within resources available, they strive to provide the best quality of service possible. Their primary aim is to provide these services to people aged 16-65 years and for whom no provision is made within the community, either statutory or otherwise.
St Petrocs Cornwall
Truro | Housing / Homelessness
Truro | Housing / Homelessness
Cornish charity aiming to end homelessness; visit stpetrocs.org.uk to help.
SleepOut 2016 @ The Eden Project
Non-sporting challenge
St Petrocs Cornwall
Truro | Housing / Homelessness
Truro | Housing / Homelessness
Cornish charity aiming to end homelessness; visit stpetrocs.org.uk to help.
Team Fundraisers
I will be swapping my warm bed for a sleeping bag and sleeping outside on the night of 10th November 2016 ion support of St Petroc's Society. Cornwall has an alarmingly high number of homeless people and this is a wonderful organisation who do amazing work to help those in our society who are most vulnerable. Any of us could find ourselves in need of assistance and I would ask you to give whatever you feel able to so that we raise a worthwhile sum to support ongoing works.
St Petroc’s Society
St Petroc's exists to provide a diverse range of services for the single homeless, who, more often than not, fall outside the responsibility of statutory authorities. The Society provides accommodation, support, advice, training and resettlement services to single homeless people in Cornwall. Within resources available, they strive to provide the best quality of service possible. Their primary aim is to provide these services to people aged 16-65 years and for whom no provision is made within the community, either statutory or otherwise.