
Running the Cardiff Half marathon for GB Cymru

Physical Challenge

£740 of £500





Days left

I'll be running the Cardiff Half marathon this year to raise money for our amazing project Gig Buddies Cymru!!
 I started working for Gig Buddies Cymru in October last year as I had heard of the project for a while and longed for it to come to North Wales!! In the project we match a person with a learning disability and/ or autism with a volunteer who shares similar interests so they can attend gigs and events together. It's to help empower people to be part of their communities, experience new experiences – such as concerts and other culture - and ultimately prevent loneliness. 
 I'm very proud to be a project co-ordinator for Gig Buddies North Wales and have already seen the incredible changes it can make to a person’s life. We are introducing the welsh music and arts scene to people, staying up past 12am on online events, and connecting people who would have never even met! With your sponsorship we can continue this amazing work and also help with the huge struggle coming out of lockdowns will be.


Learning Disability Wales

Caerdydd | Disability

Learning Disability Wales Logo

£1.99k raised from 1 page

Gig Buddies Cymru

£1.99k raised since September 2019