
I'm running the Cardiff Half...in New York

Physical Challenge

£283 of £250





Days left

I've signed up to run the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd October for the incredible, innovative befriending project I work for - Gig Buddies Cymru. However, recent sad events have led me to be in New York on the day, so I'll be completing the race in Central Park.

Two weeks ago we lost our beautiful, amazing dog Patches. The grief has been unbearable at losing our best friend, so we are doing something nice for ourselves and heading to one of our favourite places for 10 days.

I want to honour my commitment to signing-up to the Cardiff Half and raising much-needed money for Gig Buddies though! So I'll be completing the distance by running just over 2 loops of Central Park. I'll upload a screenshot from Strava of the run when I've finished.

(I'm looking to break my PR (3hr 13m 25s) for the only ever time I've run a half marathon, the 2019 Cardiff Half - when I sustained a knee injury after mile 3 and stubbornly hobbled the rest of the course)

It would mean a lot to me - and everyone we work with at Gig Buddies - if you would sponsor me. Thank you so much! Diolch yn fawr iawn!

About Gig Buddies:

Gig Buddies Cymru is a befriending scheme that matches adults with a learning disability and/or autism with a volunteer who shares the same interests, so they can go to gigs and other events together. It tackles loneliness and social isolation through friendship, culture and fun.

Events and activities that Gig Buddies do together can be anything they share an interest in - from concerts, festivals, and theatre, to wild swimming, sports matches, country walks, museums, restaurants, cinema, or just a quiet drink and a chat at the pub/cafe. Find out more at www.ffrindiaugigiau.org.uk.


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£1.99k raised from 1 page

Gig Buddies Cymru

£1.99k raised since September 2019