
Running a half marathon for Baby Check Bath

Physical Challenge

£270 of £300





Team Fundraisers

The ever cunning Helen & Denzil convinced me (after a couple of delicious beers) that I am not so past it that I can’t run a half marathon. I regret that I am so easy to flatter as now that the fear is upon me (the event is on March 15th), I have started training & found that my body very much disagrees with my ego. 
However, it’s raising funds for a great cause & I promise absolutely not to do any more fundraising for a good while as I know it feels like someone is always asking for money for something. 
Baby Check Bath’s website is https://www.babycheckbath.org/
A pioneering Community Interest Company dedicated to providing a free osteopathic service for babies whose families would not otherwise be able to afford it.At Baby Check we offer parents the opportunity to have their baby assessed and treated by a registered osteopath. Our team of osteopaths has a wealth of experience in treating babies & children, & we are passionate about making this service more available.From experience, Osteopaths & Health Visitors believe that early osteopathic intervention can significantly help some babies. Two previous service evaluations carried out at a GP surgery in Bath provided very positive responses.
Baby Check aims to make treatment available to ALL surgeries in Bath and North East Somerset free of charge. We anticipate treating a cohort of over 200 babies in a 12 month period. 
“I can’t recommend Baby Check highly enough. The treatment offered to Ruby was superb, with excellent results. Ruby enjoyed each session, coming away very relaxed each time. A truly wonderful experience. A big thanks to the team!”
ResearchIt is a passion of ours to work to develop research in this area.... We are keen for our service to form an important part of developing consensus on the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment for children with our inter- disciplinary model of best practice in treating the newborn.
We urgently need support for this service for babies.
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Baby Check Bath

Bath | Health & Wellbeing