
Julian and Sammy run for BHN

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

We are running to raise funds for the Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) solidarity fund.

Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN), as a member-led organisation, extends solidarity and works equitably with people seeking asylum and experiencing destitution through providing accommodation and developing creative community involvement.

They work together to end the destitution of asylum seekers and refugees in the UK and create a greater awareness of the humanity and gift of asylum seekers and refugees in the UK media and the population as a whole. They also provide a space for people to meet, eat and have fun, where Julian has volunteered for a number of years. Many refugees and asylum seekers within Bristol are housed in hotels out of town and they are unable to work, which can be isolating. They may be there for months to years and can be moved at very short notice. BHN helps to provide community, support and help people feel welcome.

Part of BHN's work is to provide its members, who are not legally allowed to earn income, with weekly money from the BHN solidarity fun. This is what we are hoping to contribute too, as they need every penny they can raise, as it is now £30 pp per week.To earn your hard earned cash we are both doing a trail run along the south Devon coastline near Kingsbridge. Sammy is running the half marathon, which is 13.3 miles, with an ascent of 2238 feet and Julian (not to be out done) is running his first ultra marathon, which is 33.8 miles, with an ascent of 5397 feet.
All donations are much appreciated, however big or small and all are welcome on a training run, in the cold, wet muddy month of January!
Julian and Sammy
Bristol Hospitality Network Logo

Bristol Hospitality Network

Bristol | Housing / Homelessness