
Sarah's Gig Buddies Half Marathon Challenge

Physical Challenge

£591 of £500





Days left

Gig Buddies is such a great idea. It's a service that matches up gig partners to enable adults with learning disabilities to find a volunteer to go out with. For too long, people that require some extra care and support are somehow expected to be tucked up in their PJs and sipping on a mug of Horlicks by 8pm when what many adults really want to do is go out and have fun (once this pesky virus allows!). 
Gig Buddies offers this service to enable those who LOVE the arts and live shows, theatre and gigs to go out with someone (who isn't their mum). Hooray! I hear my son cheering. 
When I found out I had the chance to raise awareness and funds for Gig Buddies by participating in the Cardiff Half Marathon (now hopefully on Sunday March 27 2022 rescheduled from Oct ‘20) I was thrilled. I'll be applying my well-worn shoe rubber to tarmac on my home turf, would you please help supply some spondoolies? Many, many thanks and I promise I won't let you (or me) down.  


Learning Disability Wales

Caerdydd | Disability

Learning Disability Wales Logo

£1.99k raised from 1 page

Gig Buddies Cymru

£1.99k raised since September 2019