The Key is for young women in Leeds, and has been running since 2013. The one-to-one support and the two group projects are often based on developing confidence, knowledge and understanding about relationships, and crucially helping young women to be able to recognise what sorts of behaviours are abusive.
I discovered the project through volunteering with Womens Health Matters. I edited an evaluation report of The Key, and discovered what an incredible service it is:
“Nobody’s shocked or judging like at school.”
“I learned you can get power back in different ways.”
“I’ve got more control, I can do stuff now. I can go to college or groups and I don’t have to tell anyone.”
“I ended a relationship because of domestic violence, he tried to strangle me.”
“I couldn’t say anything about self-harm to my mentor but I can in group.”
“Love it, the group saved me.”
“We did a session the other week on self-esteem, and in the last activity we had loads of positive words laid out on the table. They had an envelope with their names, and we had put some in. But then they went and did that for each other, and took them away.
And that was amazing. Some of their faces – because, some of them struggle with giving compliments. Some struggle with taking compliments. Some never get compliments.
They’re not in healthy places, in healthy homes or relationships, or anything like that. And to hear that other people think you’re friendly, or you’re positive, or you bring something, or you’re clever, or you’re amazing, or any of those things…”
Current funding finishes at the end of September; at a cost of about three grand per month we need to get cracking with securing more funds!
Please help me save this project - it's supported over 150 young women from Leeds since 2013 and it would be horrible to see it come to an early end.